Subsea Operation
Subsea Operation
Capable Of Cutting Any Subsea Product in Less Than 5 Minutes

Subsea Operations
We have a long track record dating back to 2009 of cutting chains, flowlines, and rigid lines on various projects around the world for Exxon, Tullow Oil, Equinor and many more. Our system runs on any type of WROV system and do not require an umbilical to surface as it will operate through the ROV. The unique cutting method is not affected by high tensions or movements during the cutting process and will complete any cut that is started.
The Subsea Package
Control Cutter supply a full subsea package that consist of the Cutters e.g., FlowlineCutter, ChainCutter or ConductorCutter, and jumpers with hot stabs attached to a supplied hydraulic Belly/Back-Pack mounted on the WROV that are used to connect to the installed ROV panel on the Cutters. The system will only take up 2×3 meters on the deck and will be deployed by crane or winch down to 3000 meter water depth.

Anchor or mooring chain cutting is seen to be a high-risk operation where release of tension in the chain can result in sudden harsh movement, causing damage to equipment or vessel.
Where tension in chain can cause bandsaw blade to break and hence delay operation, the opposite is true for the SubseaChainCutter where any tension in string only helps the cutting process. The systems are easily deployed and attached to chain within a few minutes.
Features & Benefits
The SubseaChainCutter can be operated by any ROV system and is easily installed on chain in any
angle that is required for operation.
• Cut any chain in 5 minutes
• Guarantees cut regardless of tension in chain
Subsea cutting has long generated frustration for clients due to conventional technologies inability to complete multiple cuts without surfacing. Saw blade or wire reliability has created uncertainty in operational planning, especially where tension in product is present. The FlowlineCutter is a new generation shear cutter capable of cutting flowlines, umbilical’s and other subsea products in only 5 minutes, regardless of tension and can conduct hundreds of cuts without surfacing.
Features & Benefits
The SubseaChainCutter can be operated by any ROV system and is easily installed on chain in any
angle that is required for operation.
• Cutting any product in 5 minutes
• Capable of completing multiple cuts without surfacing
• Requires less trenching than bandsaw or diamond wire cutter