Conductor Recovery
A complete solution for effective & safe conductor recovery
Conductor Recovery
A complete solution for effective & safe conductor recovery

The Complete Service Provider
From engineering to execution!
The Conductor Decom Package includes all interface checks relating to Wellhead and Conductor for the initial drilling/pinning and lifting of the Wellhead to the cutting, pinning and lifting/handling of multistring casings using bespoke lifting arrangements. Control Cutter offers an upfront engineered approach and provides an holistic view to identify potential improvements areas in all phases of the operation.
The Conductor Decom Package
Our offering includes everything to execute an efficient and safe conductor recovery operation.
Our Conductor Decom Package includes all equipment and calculations required to recover the wellhead and conductors. We section the multistring casing into the required lengths then lift, handle and prepare the sections for backloading.
Our cutting and pinning tooling is incorporated into a single interface frame/table, and is remotely operated thus eliminating the requirement for string movement during cutting and pinning operations as its pre-set distances reduce handling and improve efficiency. The Conductor Decom Package ensures all elements of our clients conductor recovery operations are managed in a safe, efficient and environmental friendly manner.

The DecomCutter is a efficient multi string conductor cutter capable of cutting cemented and uncemented conductors only in 5 minutes. The system is able to cut four strings with cement within the same timeframe and that without any personnel present.
Features & Benefits
The DecomCutter is a remotely operated shear cutter that can be located on the drill floor or on any deck dependent on the operational conditions.
• Cutting multi string conductors in only 5 minutes
• Capable of completing multiple cuts without changing knifes
• Fully automated system that requires not personnel during Soperation.
The DecomDart is capable of pinning through multistring conductors, both cemented and uncemented within 5 minutes. An arrowhead and solid rod is pushed through the conductor configuration in order to secure the inner string and prepare for lifting. A lifting rod is retracted with the DecomDart and no manual handling is required during pinning operation nor during preparations for lifting.
Features & Benefits
The DecomDart is a remotely operated pinning tool that can be located on the drill floor or on any deck dependent on the operational set-up.
• Pin any conductor configuration within 5 minutes
• Capable of completing multiple pins without changing arrowhead or rod.
• Fully automated system that requires no personnel in red zone during operation.
Decommisioning operations and conductor recovery is completed on a varity of offshore installation, ranging from a conventional drill floor operations to rigless solutions like Hydraulic Workover Units or larger Heavy Lift Vessels. Regardless of the operational approach the interfaces have to be managed to ensure a efficient, safe and reliable operation.
Features & Benefits
The Interface structures range from simple steel interfaces to remotely operated, weigh distribution engineered solutions.
• Engineered solution
• Easily installed and certified for lifting
• Modular if worksite requires
Lifting and handling multistring conductors from during Conductor Recovery operations require fit for purpose equipment. Old wells may require bespoke solutions to inerface the top of wells and robust equipment to handle the sectioned pieces for securing and laying out. With deteriorating conditions of the casing and conductors from years of production the safety and reliability is of the highest importance during handling
Features & Benefits
The Control Cutter lifting and handling equipment is fit for purpose and capable of lifting entire conductor strings. Additional safety features are implemented in the design to ensure safe lifting and handling.
• Certified, fit for purpose equipment
• Integrated fail-safes
• Secondary retention in place
• Easy to install
Conductor Recovery require a lot of equipment on the worksite to be mounted on and off the condcutors for each sectioning. The sectioning equipment is both large and heavy and brings with a lot of manual work to both install and operate the equipment. The requirement for personnel in high risk areas is undesireable, but in many cases unavoidable when utilizing conventional technologies.
Features & Benefits
The Control System consits of a Control Panel with all hydraulic and eletrical components and the tablet that control all functions and recieves feedback from tooling.
• Eliminates need for manual handling
• Remote operation with no red-zone exposure
• Track and log all phases of operation